Education & Technology in Hybrid Formats and Worlds

3-8 October 2021

The Implementation of Project Based Learning in Practical Courses During the Pandemic-C19 using Online Learning

Prof. Dr. Bruri Triyono (Negeri Yogyakarta University)

Learning in universities during the pandemic-C19 must continue by adjusting the health protocols and rules that apply in each region. Face-to-face learning is still prohibited and replaced by online learning using various platforms offered by application makers. The student-center learning is used to realize 21st century skills. Project-Based Learning (PjBL) is used to fulfil the experience of learning to work in team work,  think creatively, solve problems, and manage information. The fulfilment of learning experiences in the cognitive and affective domains is still possible, but what about the fulfilment of psychomotor domain in learning experiences that require real activities or face to face, this will be difficult to implement with online learning.

The application of PjBL in the Engineering Drawing course is carried out by giving complex assignments, based on challenging questions or problems, directed at solving problems through investigative activities, group discussions, decision making, design making, realization of results, reporting and presentations. Assessment of student work is carried out with authentic assessment through performance assessment during PjBL in mid and end time activities.

The results of online learning activities are obtained through the application of PjBL in the Engineering Drawing course. The strategy of dividing the number of session time in one semester into three parts is implemented to get closer to the actual practical activities. The first part is online lectures which contain basic material or essential skill in Engineering Drawing. The second part provides guided assignments with a problem based learning approach and is closely related to the order of the subject matter of Engineering Drawing skills. This task is carried out in their respective homes with the role of the lecturer as an active facilitator. In the third part, PjBL tasks are given with a main question as an umbrella for PjBL which will be done by each group of students. During the PjBL, the role of lecturer as a passive facilitator and play more of an expert role in completing student projects. The assessment stage of student work is carried out with group assessments and individual assessments. Individual assessment is carried out by revealing the process skills of making part of the project through student presentations from group members. Although it is not known with certainty the similarity of the results of mastering student skills when compared to face to face learning, but through PjBL, group and individual activities can take place and approach face to face learning activities.

Keywords: Project based learning, online learning, practical courses